About the Exhibition
The Art Seen is proud to present a new exhibition of student art, up from 11/21 to 11/23 in the Wilde Gallery at Spencer Art Building. tangled is a two-person exhibition featuring the work of Annie Scott and Clem Roach. Their work explores concepts of touch as a form of language, the boundaries of bodily expression and gender, and the lived experience of touch, all through a multitude of different mediums: linocut prints, mixed-media paintings, video, and audio. For more information, stay tuned--this page will be updated with artist statements and more.
Thank you so much to everyone who made this possible. Special thanks to Annie and Clem for being so excited and flexible with the concept, to MJ Getman for co-curating and bringing up the idea for this exhibition in the first place, and to Megan Mazza for letting us reserve the Wilde Gallery at this busy time of year. We hope you enjoy!

Mid-install photo of tangled